nexus letter
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So, scroll down for hundreds of reasons why we're the leading firm for VA Disability Attorneys and Medical Expert Nexus Opinions.
AFIB Second to PTSD
AFIB, Cong. Heart Failure Second to Service
Aggravation of Stroke Residuals Second to Biopsy
Atherosclerotic Heart Disease, Contributing to COD
Bilateral Edema & Ulcers Second to SC Hypertension
CAD & HTN Aggravated by PTSD
CAD & HTN Second to C. Lejeune
CAD and DMII Second to Herbicides
(AO) Thailand
CAD Caused by Undiagnosed HTN
Developing In Svc
CAD Due to Right Knee Conditions via Obesity
CAD Second to Benzene/Solvents,
Aircraft Mechanic
CAD Second to Depression
CAD Second to Diesel Fuel Exp
CAD, CHF & HTN Second to Anxiety, Asbestosis
CAD, DMII, PN Caused by Jet Fuel Exp.
CAD, HTN, Cerebral Infarction Due to AO
CAD, Hyperlipidemia and HTN, Second to AO
Cause of Death - IHD
Cerebrovascular Ischemic Disease Second to HTN
CHF & AFIB Second to Respiratory
Distress Syndrome
CHF Aggravated by PTSD
CHF Aggravated by Radiation Treatment
CHF and CKD Second to HTN
CHF Second to Burning Oil Wells
CHF Second to Dysmetabolic Syndrome
COD - Dilated Cardiomyopathy
COD - CAD Second to AO Thailand
Earlier Effective Date
COD - Cardiac Arrest Second to CAD
COD - IHD Contributed to Cardiogenic Shock
COD Cardiac Arrest
COD Cardiac Arrhythmia due to Early Onset
Alzheimer's, Aggravated by Herbicide Exp
COD Cardiac Tamponade, Rupture of Aortic Dissection
COD due to Polymyositis-Arrhythmia, Diabetes-Cardiovascular Disease
COD Hypertensive Cardiac Disease Second to C. Lejeune Exp
COD Myocardial Infarction Second to
PTSD (weight gain)
COD, Seizure Disorder Second to AO
COD, CAD & CHF Second to Rheumatic Heart Disease
COD, CHF & Second to Respiratory Distress Syndrome
COD, HTN Second to AO, Causing Renal Disease
COD, Hypertensive Cardiovascular Second to AO
COD, Polymyositis-Arrhythmia
COD, Seizure Disorder, Post Cerebral Infarction
DM2 and BL LE Peripheral Neuropathy
Began in Service
Heart Cond and COPD Second to Herbicides
Heart Condition Second to PTSD
Heart Disease Second to HTN
HTN and CVA Due to Agent Orange
HTN Due to AO, CKD Second to HTN
HTN Due to AO, DMII Due to AO
HTN Due to Exposures, C. Lejeune
HTN Due to Herbicide Exposure
HTN Second to Service, Afib Second to HTN,
CVA Second to Afib
HTN Second Depressive Disorder
HTN Second to Toxic Solvent Inhalation
HTN, DM2, Ischemic Attacks, Second to
Chem Exp - Aberdeen Proving Ground
Hypertension, AFIB, tachy-brady Second to DMII
Hypertensive heart disease, Cardiomyopathy
and CHF Second to AO
Ischemic Disease Second to CAD and DM2
Liver Disease, CAD & PVD Second to Asbestos
LVEF Second to CAD , HTN Second to PTSD
Obesity causing Deep Vein Thrombosis
PAD and PVD Caused by AO
PAD, HTN, CKD & Hypothyroid Second to DMII
Peripheral Vascular Disease Second to Herbicides
Pulmonary Embolism & Heart Disease
Second to OSA
Rating, CAD & Unemployability
Renal Disorder Second to NSAIDs
Retinal Artery Embolization of Occlusion and
Heart/Valve Disabilities Second to Asbestos
Service Connected IHD contribute to COD
Stroke & HTN Second to Herbicides
Stroke and Afib Second to Hypertension
Stroke and CKD Due to HTN
Stroke Second to HTN and PTSD
Asthma, Sleep Apnea & Allergies Second to Burn Pit Exposure
COD Cardiac Arrest Due to COVID-19 via
Diabetes Mellitus 2 Second to OSA -Burn Pits
GERD, and DM Second to OSA and Crohn's Disease
OSA and "Sleep Paralysis" Second to PTSD
OSA Second to Asthma
OSA Second to Sinusitis - US Army
OSA - Weight Gain & Smoking
OSA Aggravated by COPD and Asthma
OSA Aggravated by PTSD or OSA Second to In Svc Respiratory Issues
OSA Aggravated by PTSD, OSA Second to Ankle Condition via Obesity
OSA and Allergic Rhinitis Occurring in Service
OSA and Diabetes Second to Muscle Injury in Svc Via Obesity
OSA Began In Service - Burn Pits
OSA Began in Service Second to "Nonallergic Vasomotor Rhinitis"
OSA Began In Service Second to PTSD
OSA began in service, Knee/Back injury contributed via weight gain
OSA began in Service, Obesity, PTSD, Ortho
OSA Caused by Ankle Injury with Obesity
OSA Caused or Aggravated by "Unspec Trauma/Stressor Disorder"
OSA Caused or Aggravated by Burn Pit Exp or PTSD
OSA Caused or Aggravated by Non SC PTSD,
Chem & Env Exposures, Obesity, Hypervigilance
OSA Dev In Svc and Second to Tinnitus
OSA Due to Burn Pits
OSA Due to Hypothyroidism via Obesity
OSA Due to Obesity Second to SC Ortho Conditions
OSA Due to Traumatic Deviated Septum
OSA In Svc, OSA Second to
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
OSA In Svc, Second to Pes Planus, L Shoulder Sprain and HTN
OSA Onset in Svc, OSA Second to Exp to Burn Pits, Noxious Fumes, TBI and/or PTSD
OSA Sec to SC Sinusitis and Restrictive
Airway Disease
OSA Second to Rhinitis & Sinusitis - SC for Rhinitis
OSA Second to Airborne Irritants (Afghanistan)
OSA Second to Airborne Irritants (IRAQ)
OSA Second to Aircraft Noise - Aircraft Carrier
OSA Second to Ankle Cond VIA OBESITY
OSA Second to Anxiety w/Panic, Asthma
OSA Second to Asbestos and Burning Fumes
OSA Second to Asthma - Obesity as Intermediatary
OSA Second to Asthma - US Army
OSA Second to Burn Pit, Oil Well Fires and Jet Fuel Exposure(MOS)
OSA Second to Burn Pits - Airborne Particulates
OSA Second to Burn Pits and HTN
OSA Second to Burn Pits and PTSD
OSA Second to Burning Oil Wells
OSA Second To COPD
OSA Second to Cushing's Syndrome Via Obesity
OSA Second to Depression
OSA Second to Deviated Septum w/ Bilateral Maxillary Sinusitis
OSA Second to DMII
OSA Second to Dysthymic Disorder and Chronic Pain Disorder, Via Obesity,
OSA Second to Fibromyalgia and Unspecified Depressive Disorder
OSA Second to Gerd
OSA Second to Gulf War Particulates
OSA Second to Hiatal Hernia, Reflux
OSA Second to HTN
OSA Second to Hypothyroidism Via Obesity
OSA Second to In Svc Burn Pit and Sewage Exp
OSA Second to In Svc Daytime Somnolence, Snoring
OSA Second to In Svc Reactive Airway Disease
OSA Second to Intermediate Obesity /Knee
OSA Second to IRAQ Burn Pits
OSA Second to Jet Fuel - Marines
OSA Second to Knee Cond Via Obesity
OSA Second to Kuwait Sand & Dust Exposures
OSA Second to MOS Exposures, Second to Major Depressive Disorder
OSA Second to Obesity and Smoking
OSA Second to Psychiatric Conditions
OSA Second to PTSD
OSA Second to PTSD and Burn Pit Exp.
OSA Second to PTSD via Obesity
OSA Second to PTSD, Anxiety, Depression
OSA Second to PTSD, Headaches, Dizziness
OSA Second to PTSD, SW Asia Exp.
OSA Second to PTSD, TDIU
OSA Second to Rhinitis
OSA Second to SC Insomnia & GERD
OSA Second to SC Orthopedic Conditions
via Obesity
OSA Second to Sinusitis
OSA Second to Svc or Nasal Septal Fracture
OSA Second to TBI or MDD
OSA Second to Unspec Trauma and Stressor Disorder Via Obesity
OSA, CSA and Complex SA Caused or
Aggravated by DM2
OSA, GERD Second to PTSD
Sleep Apnea Second to Rhinosinusitis, GERD
Brain Abscess, Seizures, Second to Strongyloidiasis
COD from Covid19 Second to DM2 or CAD
COPD Second to Strongyloidiasis Hyper infection
DM2 aggravated by SC Thyroid Dysfunction
DMII Second to Hep B
Guillain Barre Syndrome Contracted in Service
Hep B, Gastritis and Esophagitis Second to Military Service
Hep C and Cirrhosis in Service - Jet Injector
Histoplasmosis Caused by In Svc Exposures
HIV Second to In Svc Sexual Assault
Leg Amputation Second to Cortisone in Service
SC for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Septicemia, Pneumonia Second to In Service Strongyloidiasis
COD (ulcer) Second to GI Conditions
Crohn's Disease Developed in Service or Caused by Service
Gastro & Gulf War Syndrome
Hepatitis, Liver Failure, Second to Herbicides
Hepatitis, Pancreatitis, Liver Failure, Second to Pesticides, Chlordane
Link Duodenal Ulcer to Service for the entire period of 1960 to present.
Liver Sirrhosis - Caused or Agg. by Alcohol Use from SC PTSD,
Acquired Psychiatric Condition, PTSD, Sec to Svc
Alcoholism Second to PTSD
Anxiety and Depression in Service, Schizophrenia
Second to Anxiety and Depression
Bipolar Disorder Direct to Service
COD - Axis 1 Diagnosis Developing In Service
COD - Suicide Second to Service-Connected PTSD
Depression Second to Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Depressive Disorder Second to Service - Gulf War
Diagnosis of DSM-V Mental Disorder, PTSD
Diagnosis of PTSD or Depression, PTSD or
Depression Developed in Service
Diagnosis TBI Due to Head Injury In Service
Increased Rating for PTSD to 50% or 70%
Meeting VA def of Insanity, SC of Schizophrenia
Parasomnia Second to In Svc Stressors
Polysubstance Abuse Second to PTSD
Psychiatric Disability Caused by Service
PTSD and Depression Second to Service
PTSD and Psych Issues Second to In Svc Mental Condition - Vietnam
PTSD Increased Rating to Unemployable
PTSD Rating and Depression Second to Service
PTSD Second to Prostitution
PTSD Second to service - US Army
Rating of PTSD / other specified trauma and Stressor Disorder
SC for PTSD - under DSM-IV and DSM-V
Schizoaffective Disorder Second to Depression
Depressive Disorder Direct to Service
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression Second to SC Conditions
Mental Health Conditions Aggravated by Service
PTSD Diagnosis and Nexus
Somatic Symptom Disorder Second to Tinnitus
CKD Second to DM2
DM2 & Peripheral Neuropathy Caused by Service
DM2 Second to Hep C, Urinary Frequency
Caused by DM2
DM2, Neuropathy and Hashimoto's
Second to Herbicides
ED Second to DM and DM meds
ED Second to Hypogonadism
Hormone Deficiency + Residuals Second to
Chromophobe Pituitary Macroadenoma
Hypogonadism Second to AO
Hypogonadism Second to AO, ED Second to Hypogonadism
Hypothyroidism Second to Radiation Exp
OSA and DM2 Caused by Graves' Disease Via Obesity
Syncope Second to Hormone Therapy
VA Negligence - Exploratory Parathyroidectomy
Chloracne Second to Toxic Exposure - Pendleton
Hidradenitis Superativa Second to Exposure - CLCW
In Service Skin Rash Early Onset Sarcoidosis
Bi-Lateral Hearing Lss Due to Noise Exposure
Meniere's Disease Due to Noise Exposure
Meniere's Second to Tinnitus
(TBI) Seizure Disorder Second to SC Schizophrenia
A&A Due to DM PN
Alzheimer's Disease Second to
C. Lejeune and/or Vietnam Herbicides
Alzheimer's Second to BL Hearing Loss
Ataxia Second to Alcoholism
Autoimmune-Mediated Anti-MAG CIDP
Brain Hemorrhage/HTN Second to Encephalopathy
Carpal Tunnel second to Hypothyroidism
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Second to Jet Fuel Exp.
Cerebral Atrophy Second to Head Traumas and Carcinogen Exposures
Cerebral Atrophy Second to Tremors / Parkinson's
COD - Parkinsons Second to TCE Exposure
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Service
COPD Second to Red Lead Paint/Primers
w/Zinc Chromate
Dementia Second or Aggravated by Bilat HL
Dementia Second to PTSD, or Second to Blast Injuries/Concussions
Dementia w/Lewy Bodies Second to Parkinsonism
Diagnosis of In Svc TBI, Migraines Dev in Svc
Cervical Spine Diagnosis, Caused by Svc
Diagnosis of R and L Upper Extremity Radiculopathy, Caused by Svc. Rating and TDIU
Diagnosis of Neuro Disease, Neuro Disease
Second to C. Lejeune
Diagnosis of TBI, TBI Second to In Svc Fall
Rating and TDIU
ED and Hemangioblastoma Second to
Fighter Jet Accident
Entitlement to Special Aid and Attendance Benefit from TBI Residuals
Epilepsy Second to Gulf War Exposure
Essential Tremors Direct to Service
Essential Tremors Second to TCE Exposure
Frontotemporal Dementia Second TBI
Gulf War Syndrome Second to Service
Headaches and Dementia Second to TBI; A&A
Headaches Direct to Service
Headaches Second to GAD OR Sleep Apnea
Headaches Second to PTSD
HL and Tinnitus Second to In Svc Noise Exposure
HTN Second to SVC; Strokes Second to HTN
IgA Nephropathy Second to Service
Kidney Failure Second to Service
Lightning Strike in Service
Meniere's Disease Caused by In Svc Mononucleosis
Meniere's Disease Second to Tinnitus
Meniere's Disease, Vestibular Disorder and
Migraines, Second to Acoustic Trauma
Migraine Diagnosis, Migraine Second to Adjustment Disorder
Migraine Headaches Second to In Svc Accident
Migraines Due to Exposures
MS and Seizure Disorder Direct to Service
MS and TPP Second to C. Lejeune and
MOS Exposures
MS Direct Connection - UTI's, ED Second
MS Direct Connection to Service
MS from C. Lejeune exp
w/ in 7 years of Discharge
MS Present During Service
MS Second to UTIs, Headaches, Rash, ED
Multiple Sclerosis - US Air Force
Multiple Sclerosis Second to Service, Aggravation
Multiple Sclerosis Second to Service - Causal
Muscular Dystrophy Developed in Svc
Neck Condition Dev In service, Idiopathic
Insomnia Related to TBI
Neck Injury Substantial Contributing Factor to Quadriplegia
Neck Injury Substantial Factor to Quadriplegia
Neurological Disorder Began in Svc
Non-Allergic Rhinitis, Headaches
Due to Toxic Exposures
Pain/Numbness Second to In Service Electrocution
Parkinsonism, PD Second to Toxic Exposures
Parkinson's Caused by Engine Fuel Exp
MOS - Motor Transport Operator
Parkinson's Disease Due to Herbicide Exposure
Parkinson's Disease Second to C. Lejeune, TCE Benzene Exp.
Parkinson's Disease Second to
Jet Exhaust Inhalation
Parkinson's Disease Second to Jet Fuel Exposure
Parkinson's Disease Second to MOS Offset
Pressman Chemical Exposure
Parkinson's Disease Second to Solvent/ TCE
Parkinson's Due to Asbestos Exposure
Parkinson's Due to Exposures PFAS, Solvents, Diesel Fuel
Parkinson's Due to In-Service Exposures to PCBs, Kerosene
Parkinson's Due to Solvent Exposure
Parkinsons Second to C. Lejeune (TCE/PCE)
Parkinson's Second to Fuel, PCB's, Solvents, Herbicides
Parkinson's Second to In Svc 20 year Exp to Jet Aircraft Fuel Exhaust- B52 Pilot
Parkinson's Second to Jet Fuel Exhaust Exp MOS B-52 Navigator Bombardier
Parkinson's Second to MOS
Nuclear Weapons Tech Chem Exp incl. TCE
Parkinson's Severity with Neurocognitive Assessment
Parkinson's w/ LBD Second to MOS Exposures
Parkinson's, Renal Cancer, CKD Second to
Camp Lejeune
PD Second to Exp to Mercury, TCE, Solvents, Asbestos, Lead and Radiation
Rating for Cold Injury Residuals and Raynaud's Syndrome
Rating Increase for Parkinson's Disease, Aid and Attendance
Rating of Parkinson's Disease, TDIU, Aid and Attendance
Rating of PD Severity and effective Remaining Function and TDIU
Rating of Residuals of SC Multiple Sclerosis
Rating, Psychomotor Seizures, Axis I Mental Health
Ratings - Severity of MS
Right Side Pain/Numbness Second to Electrocution
Seizure Disorder Second to In Service Accident
Seizure Disorder Second to Meningitis
Seizure Disorder Second to Service Connected TBI
Spina Bifida Diagnosis
Stroke Second to Burn Pits - Via HTN
Stroke, Alzheimer’s Due to AO; Alzheimer’s
Second to Stroke
TBI - PTSD Symptom Differentiation
TBI Diagnosis and Severity
TBI in Direct to Service
TBI Nexus; Migraine Second to TBI
TBI Severity; A&A
TBI with Residuals Second to Service
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction /TBI
Tremors Second to TBI
Ankylosing Spondylitis - Early Onset in Service
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head in Service
Back & Radiculopathy Second to In SVC Back Strain
Back and Knee Pain Second to Accident
Back Cond and Sciatica Second to MVA
Back Cond., Radiculopathy Second To Service, TDIU
Back Condition Second to In Svc Fall
Back Condition Second to MVA, Femoral Rod
and R Knee Cond.
Back Cyst & Chronic Pain Second to In Service Cyst
Back Cyst Began in Service, Aggravation of
Back DDD Condition
Back Disability & Bilateral Knee Disabilities
Second to Service
Back Injury Second to Knee injuries - US Navy
Back Neck and Foot Conditions Caused by Service
Carpal Tunnel Second to Service
Cervical Spine Condition Direct to Service
Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar DDD Sec. to MVA
COD-GERD, Esophageal Strictures Caused by DDD Treatment
Congenital Acquired Spondylosis Sec to Back Injury
DDD Cervical & Lumbar Spine Condition in Service
DDD Cervical & Lumbar Spine Condition
Second to Service
DDD Cervical Spine, Second to In Service Fall
DDD Lumbar Spine, Peripheral Neuropathy in SVC
DDD Second to In Svc Neck & Back Injury
Degenerative Cervical Spine/Neck Fusion in SVC
Degenerative Disk Disease Sec to SC Lumbar Strain
Diagnosis of Back, Neck and Bilat. Upper Extremity Conditions to Service
Diagnosis of Lower Back Condition, Lower Back
Condition Caused by In Svc Incidents
Expedite - Lumbar Spine and R Hip Conditions Second to Bilat Knee Conditions
Hip and Spine Disabilities Second to Service
Knee Degeneration Second to Foot Injury
Knee Disabilities, Hip Replacement in Service
Knee Disability Second to SC Lumbar Spine
Left & RT Knee Second to Ankle Degenerative
Left Knee Second to Right Knee Injury - US Marine
Low Back Condition Due to or Aggravated by
Right Knee Condition
Lower Back and Bilat Knee Cond
Connected to Service
Lumbar Condition Caused by In Svc MVA
Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Displacement and
Arthritis and Bilat Shoulder Arthritis
Second to Service
Lumbar Spine Condition Second to Service
Lumbar Spine Degeneration Sec to Ankle Fracture
Lumbosacral DJD DDD Second to Service
Lumbosacral strain with Deg. Arthriti
Due to In-Service Injury
Lumbosacral Strain, DDD, Radiculopathy In SVC
Neck/Shoulder/Hips - Extent of Disability
R Ankle Rating, Lumbar Radiculopathy and Back Second to Service
R Shoulder, L Wrist, R Foot Cond. Developing in Svc
Radiculopathy, lower extremities Sec to Back Cond
Right Shoulder Degeneration In SVC Injury
SC L Hip Osteoarthritis and Degen Arthritis Spine
Shoulder and Bilateral Knee Injuries In Service
Spinal Degenerative Arthritis Second to SVC
Spinal Stenosis Second to In SVC Back Injury
Spine Injury Second to In Svc Accident - US Army
Spine/Extremities - Extent of disability - Air Force
Spine/Lower Extremities - Extent - US Air Force
TDIU and Rating of Lumbar Radiculopathy
Thoracolumbar Spinal Degenerative in SVC
Chronic Hypertensive Kidney Disease
Second to HTN
Chronic Kidney Disease Due to
Herbicide Exposure
Chronic Renal Insufficiency Second to DMII, HTN
CKD Second to C. Lejeune, HTN Second to CKD
CKD Second to Herbicide Exposure
CKD, IHD, DM, Second to
Camp Lejeune Exposure
Diabetes II Second Hepatic Steatosis
End-Stage Renal Disease Due to HTN
Hepatic Steatosis Second to Camp Lejeune
IgA Neuropathy Caused by Gulf War Service,
Illness of Unknown Etiology
Kidney Disease Second to Camp Lejeune
Kidney Disease Second to Prescribed NSAIDs
Kidney Disorder Second to HTN
Polycystic Kidney Disease in Service
Renal Disease Second to DMII
Renal Failure Second to Asbestosis
Retro peritoneal Bleed Second to NSAIDs Plavix
Asthma, Sleep Apnea & Allergies Sec to Burn Pits
Bilat Sensorineural HL Second to Noise Exp Caused by Service
CSA Second to Heat Stroke, Cognitive Impairment
Erectile Disfunction Second to Service
Hearing Loss & Tinnitus Sec to MOS Aviation Electronic Tech
Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Second to Noise Exposure
HL and Tinnitus Second to TCE and Noise Exposure
Meniere's Disease Present in Service
Meniere's Disease Second to Noise Exposure
Meniere's Disease Second to Noise Exposure
OSA-In Service, Second to PTSD
Sinusitis Second to Burn Pits
COD COVID Second to LE Condition and Mood
Disorder via Obesity
ILD & Lupis Due to Asbestos Exposure
Asthma and COPD Caused or
Aggravated by Asbestosis
Asthma Caused by In Svc Reactive Airway Disease
Asthma Related to Service, Rating
Asthma Second to Engine Exhaust and Asbestos
Asthma Second to In Svc Smoke & Asbestos
Asthma/COPD Second to Paint Exposure - US Navy
Bronchitis/Asthma Second to GERD
CAD and COPD Second to Asbestos, COD
Second to Asbestos
Cause of Death - COPD
Chronic Cough Symptom of Worsening
Bronchiectasis in Service
Chronic Cough, Rhinitis, GERD, Burn Pit Exposure
Chronic Lung Disease from Silica Exp
COD - Cardiopulmonary Arrest from Asbestos Exp.
COD - Gulf War Exposures, Pulmonary Fibrosis
COD - PD and DM - Herbicides
COD COPD w/ CAD - Second to Asbestos Exp.
COPD and Asthma Second to Asbestos & AO
COPD and Asthma Second to Herbicides
COPD Caused by Airborne Irritants
Machine Operator
COPD Second to Agent Orange, PTSD
COPD Second to Asbestos
COPD Second to Asbestos & Pleural Plaques
COPD Second to Asbestos Exposure
COPD Second to Asbestos, TCE
COPD Second to Red Lead Paint with
Zinc Chromate
COPD, CAD, CHF Second to Asbestos Exposure
COPD, Emphysema - Asbestos Navy Electrician
COPD/Respiratory Second to Asbestos Exposure
Emphysema/Heart Conditions Second to Asbestos
Histoplasmosis Lung Disease
Second to Coccidioidomycosis
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Second to
Asbestos Exp.
Interstitial Lung Disease Second to Asbestos
Lung Disability Second to In Service Lung Condition
Lung Disability/CAD - Histoplasmosis Pneumonia
Pulmonary Disease Second to In Svc Env Exposures
Pulmonary fibrosis second to AO
Pulmonary Fibrosis Second to Gulf War Env Exp.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Second to In Service Exposure
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Second to Herbicide and other Toxic Exposures
Recurrent Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Asthma
Caused by In Svc Tear Gas Training
Respiratory Failure Second to Asbestos
Sarcoidosis of Both Lungs
Polyceptic Ovary Syndrome causing Pain Second to SC Ovarian Cyst Cond
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Caused by Hysterectomy
TDIU via SC Endometriosis & Urinary Incontinence
Undiagnosed In Svc Fibroids Secondary to Abd Pain and Prolonged Bleeding
Cause of Death - Gulf War Burn Pits
Cause of Death - Gulf War Syndrome
DMII Second to Hyperthyroidism
Esophageal Achalasia Second to Gulf War
Graves' Disease Second to Radioactive Iodine
Fibromyalgia Aggravated by PTSD from in Svc
Sexual Assault
Colitis Caused or Aggravated by PTSD
Fibromyalgia - Originating in Service
Fibromyalgia, CFS Second to SC Conditions
Gulf War Syndrome Second to Gulf War Exposures
Lupus and RA Onset in Service
Lupus Second to Asbestos Exp Via MOS Electrical Mech Equip Repairmen
Lupus, DM2 and Barrett's Esophagus Second to C. Lejeune
Monoclonal Gammopathy Second to Herbicides, TCE, PCE
Multi Unexplained Illness - Gulf War Syndrome
RA Diverticulitis Second to Gulf War
Sarcoidosis Second to Asbestos - US Navy
Scleroderma Due to Particulates
Scleroderma Second to Camp Lejeune Exposure
Allergic Rhinitis Aggravated In Service - Air Force
Bilateral Hearing Loss Second to Rifleman MOS
Hearing Loss & Tinnitus Second to Service
Tinnitus and Vertigo Second to In Service TBI
Tinnitus Second Military to Noise Exposure
HL Tinnitus Second to In Svc Noise Exp
HL and Tinnitus Second to Acoustic Trauma
HL and Tinnitus Second to Delayed Onset Hearing Exposure
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Second to
Benzene Exposure - MOS
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Second to AO
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Second to Benzene, Diesel, Asbestos
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Second to Herbicide Exp at Thai Base U-Tapao
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Second to Herbicides
Adenocarcinoma of Rectum Second to Herbicides
Adenocarcinoma of the Colon Due to Toxic Exposures
Adenocarcinoma Second to Herbicides
Adenocarcinoma Second to Herbicides AO
Adrenal Cell Carcinoma Due to Toxic
Exposure at Fort Devens
AML Leukemia Due to Herbicides
Ampullary Adenocarcinoma Second to C. Lejeune
Amyloidosis Second to Camp Lejeune
Anaplastic Mixed Glioma Second to Herbicides
Atypical Carcinoid Tumor - Burning Oil Fields
Barrett's Esophagus Due to C. Lejeune
Basal and SCC, and Gastric Cancer, Second to AO
Basal Cell Carcinoma and Actinic Keratosis Second to AO USS Juneau
Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell
Carcinoma Second to AO or Sun Exp
B-Cell & T-Cell Lymphoma Second to JP-4 Fuel,
TCE, Solvent Exp.
B-Cell Leukemia & Kidney Cancer Second to
Diesel and Exhaust
Bilateral Testicular Seminoma Second to
Hill AFB Exp to Solvents
Biliary Tract Carcinoma Second to Liver Mets/AO
Bladder & Colon Cancer Second to Agent Orange
Bladder & Lymph Node Cancer Second to
Camp Lejeune
Bladder & Prostate Cancer Second to PFOS and PFOA Fire Fighting Foam
Bladder and Pancreatic Cancer Second to Toxic Exposures, DM Second to Pancreatic Cancer
Bladder Cancer - Agent Orange
Bladder Cancer Caused or Aggravated by Prostatitis with Pyuria and Epididymitis
Bladder Cancer Due to Burn Pits
Bladder Cancer Due to Hydrazine and
Other Fuel Exposure
Bladder Cancer Due to In-Service Exposures
Bladder Cancer Second to Agent Orange - US Army
Bladder Cancer Second to AO, Diesel Fuel Exp.
Bladder Cancer Second to Asbestos Exp.
Bladder Cancer Second to Diesel and Aromatic
Hydrocarbon Exp. MOS Boiler Technician
Bladder Cancer Second to Flight Line exp to
smoke and jet fuel
Bladder Cancer Second to MOS Exp and
MCAS Cherry Point
Bladder Carcinoma - Svc, and Incontinence Second to Prostate Cancer
Bladder, Colon & Kidney Cancer Second to Toxins - McClellan AFB
Bladder/Kidney Cancer Second to AO
Brain Cancer - Second to Burn Pits
Brain Cancer Second to Gulf War Toxic and Radiation Exp.
Brain Cancer Second to Herbicides
Brain Cancer Second to Ionized Radiation
Brain Cancer Second to Jet Fuel Exposure
Brain Cancer Second to Radiation Exposure
Brain Cancer Second to AO
Brain Neoplasm COD Caused by Herbicides
Breast and Prostate Cancer Second to C. Lejeune
Breast Cancer - USS Simon Engine Room
Breast Cancer Present / Developed in Svc
Breast Cancer Second to Agent Orange - U.S. Army
Breast Cancer Second to Burn Pits, Jet Fuel, Radiation Exp.
Breast Cancer Second to C. Lejeune
Breast Cancer, Metastatic Bone Cancer, Residuals, Caused by C. Lejeune (TCE)
Buccal Head and Neck Cancer, Herbicides
Cancer of the Oropharynx Due to Herbicide Exposure
Cervical Cancer and NHL Second to
MOS Missile Crewman TCE Exp
Cholangiocarcinoma Due to C. Lejeune
Cholangiocarcinoma Due to Herbicides
Cholangiocarcinoma Second to Herbicides
Cholangiocarcinoma Second to Herbicides or Liver Flukes
Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia Second to Benzene
Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia Second to Dioxin
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Due to
Exposure to Burn Pits
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia,
Asbestos Exposure
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia - AO
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia - Burn Pits
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Second to
Cleaning Solvents - MOS
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Second to Asbestos
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Due to Herbicides
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia, Agent Orange
CKD & Kidney Cancer Second to Jet Fuel, Asbestos
CKD and Erectile Dysfunction Second to Herbicides
CLL Direct to Service
CLL Due to Benzene Exposure
CLL Due to TCE Exposure
CLL Second to 9/11 Toxic Exposure
CLL Second to Agent Orange Exposure (Benzene)
CLL Second to Lead, Asbestos or Benzene Exp
CML Due to AO
CML Due to Benzene Exposure
CML Due to Burn Pits
CML Due to Exposures
CML Due to Firefighting Foam and Asbestos
CML Due to Herbicide Exposure
CML Second to Benzene, Fuel & Oil Exposure
CML Second to Radiation and 28 Day
Camp Lejeune Exp
COD - Asbestos Exposure - Navy
COD - Colon Cancer Second to SC Bladder, Prostate Cancer
COD - Colon Cancer Second to In Svc Radiation Exp
COD - Gastric Cancer Second to Herbicides
COD - Hepatic Carcinoma & Hepatic Failure Second to Herbicide Exposure
COD - Hepatocellular Carcinoma
COD - Lung Cancer - C. Lejeune exposure
COD - Metastatic Gastroesophageal Cancer Second to Toxic Exposure
COD - Myeloproliferative Disease Second to AO
COD - Myeloproliferative Disorder
Polycythemia Vera
COD - Prostate Cancer and Renal Cell Carcinoma Second to In Svc Exp.
COD - SCC Tonsil-Lymph Nodes, Adenocarcinoma Second to AO, Toxic Exp.
COD Acute Amyloid Leukemia Due to
Herbicide Exposure
COD Adrenal Cancer Due to Herbicide Exposure
COD AML Due to In-Service Exposure
COD and Gastric Cancer Second to AO
COD and Kidney Cancer Caused by Ionizing Radiation, Asbestos and Herbicides
COD and Rectal Cancer Second to Herbicides.
COD Cholangiocarcinoma Second to
Herbicide Exposure
COD -Colon Cancer Second to Asbestos
COD Esophageal Cancer - Herbicides from Thailand
COD Esophageal Cancer - Vietnam Herbicides
COD Gastroesophageal Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Due to Herbicides
COD Kidney Cancer Second to
COD Liver Cancer Second to Ft McClellan PCBs
COD Lung Cancer Due to Asbestos
COD Lung Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
COD Lung Cancer Due to C. Lejeune; DMII, Hypothyroidism, HTN Due to C. Lejeune
COD Lymphoma Due to Burn Pits
COD MDS AML Second to AO
COD MDS Due to Herbicides
COD Merkel Cell Carcinoma Due to Retained Lead
COD Pancreatic Cancer Due to Herbicide Exposure
COD Pancreatic Cancer Second to AO and/or DM2
COD Pancreatic Cancer Second to
Diabetes Mellitus 2
COD Prostate Cancer Due to Solvents
and Paint Removers
COD Second to AO and/or DM2
COD Ventricular Tachycardia Second to CKD
COD from Pancreatic Cancer Caused by Hep C
COD Pancreatic Cancer Second to Burn Pits
COD, Cancer Aggravated by CAD
COD, Gastric Cancer Second to Dioxin Exposure
COD, Multiple Myeloma Second to Toxic Exposure
COD, Gastric Cancer related to In Svc Gastritis
COD, Small Lung Cell Carcinoma - Bronchitis and Pneumonia contrib to COPD
COD: AML Due to In-Service Herbicide Exposure
COD: MDS Due to Herbicide Exposure
COD: Metastatic Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma
Due to Asbestos
Colon & Liver Cancer Second to MOS and
Camp Lejeune Exp.
Colon and Small Bowel Cancers Due to AO
Colon Cancer - Herbicides
Colon Cancer - Burn Pits
Colon Cancer Due to Agent Orange; Hemorrhoids Second to Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Due to Asbestos
Colon Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Colon Cancer Due to Jet Fuel and Solvents
Colon Cancer Due to Pituitary Adenoma In Service
Colon Cancer Second to Agent Orange;
Colon Cancer Second to AO
Colon Cancer Second to Asbestos and Herbicides
Colon Cancer Second to Jet Fuel, Jet Oils, Exhaust Fumes & Hydraulic Fluids
Colon Cancer Second to Kidney Disease
Colon Cancer Second to Toxic Exposure MOS USAF
Colon Cancer Second to Toxic Exposure, C. Lejeune
Colon Cancer - Burn Pits - Iraq - Kuwait
Colorectal Cancer Due to AO
Colorectal Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Colorectal Cancer Second to In Service Exposures
Diffuse Large B-Cell Carcinoma Second to AO
and TCE exposure
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Second to Asbestos
Esophageal Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Esophageal Cancer Due to Herbicide Exposure
Esophageal Cancer Second to Herbicides - COD
Esophageal Cancer, HTN Due to AO
Fatal Colon Neoplasm Second to Asbestos or Conceded Herbicide Exp
Gallbladder Carcinoma Second to Agent Orange
Gammopathy Second to Agent Orange
Gastric Cancer Due to Contaminated Water
Gastric Cancer Second to AO or
MOS Auto Mechanic
Gastric Cancer Second to Herbicides
Gastro Esophageal Cancer - Herbicides - MOS Tactical Aircraft Maint Tech
Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma Second to Burn Pits
Glioblastoma Multiforme Due to Exposures
Glioblastoma Multiforme Second to C. Lejeune
Glioblastoma Second Particulate Matter & Heavy Metal - MOS Welder
Glioblastoma Second to Camp Lejeune
Glioblastoma Second to SE Asia Service
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Due to AO
Herbicides - Guam, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to In Svc Chem Radiation Exp
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to Svc, Ft. McClellan
HTN & DM2, Prostate Cancer Second to Ft. McClellan Herbicide
HTN Second to Herbicides, RCC of Kidney Second to Herbicides
Immune Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Second to Herbicides
Intrahepatic Bile Duct Carcinoma Due to Exp
Kidney Cancer & Kidney Failure Second to
Solvent Exposure
Kidney Cancer Due to Asbestos
Kidney Cancer Due to Exposures
Kidney Cancer Due to Jet Fuel Exposure
Kidney Cancer Due to TCE Exposure
Kidney Cancer Second to Bladder Cancer
Kidney Cancer Second to C. Lejeune
Kidney Cancer Second to Dioxin Oncology
Kidney Cancer Second to Herbicides
Kidney Cancer Second to Herbicides & HTN
Kidney, Colon/Rectal/Lung Cancer Second to Asbestos and Herbicides
Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia
Direct to Service
Larynx Cancer Caused by Asbestos Exp and
Smoke Inhalation
Leukemia Second to Exposure at C. Lejeune
Leukemia Second to In-Service Radiation Exposure
Leukemia, 9/11 Pentagon Crash Site
Liver Cancer Second to C. Lejeune
Lung Adenocarcinoma Second to Asbestos and Chem Exp Fit Dix
Lung Cancer - Burn Pits; Interstitial Lung Disease Second to Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer and Colon Cancer Second to C. Lejeune Exp
Lung Cancer AO Residue Exp on USS Independence, COD
Lung Cancer Caused by Chem Inhalation or
Camp Lejeune
Lung Cancer Second to Asbestos - Auto Mechanic
Lung Cancer Second to Burn Pits Toxic Exp. SE Asia
Lung Cancer Second to C. Lejeune and
Gulf War Exposures
Lung Cancer Second to Diesel Fuel Exposure
Lung Cancer Second to Exp. - C. Lejeune
Lung Cancer Second to Gulf War Burn Pits
Lung Cancer Second to Ionizing Radiation
Lung Cancer Second to MOS Exp of Fuel,
Diesel, Noxious Fumes
Lung Cancer, Brain Cancer Due to Asbestos
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Asbestos
Lymph Node Cancer Second to In-SVC Lymphosarcoma
Lymphoma Second to Epstein-Barr
Maceroadeonma and Cushing's Direct Toxic Exposure Iraq
Macroglobulinemia Second to MOS Toxins
Malignant Melanoma Second to Agent Orange
Malignant Neoplasm of Bronchus/Lung
Camp Lejeune
Malignant Neoplasm of Liver - Herbicides
Malignant Neoplasm of Lung and COD
Vint Hill Farm Station
Malignant Neoplasm of Small Intestine
Second to Camp Lejeune
Mantle Cell Lymphoma Due to Exp; McClellan AFB
Mantle Cell Lymphoma Second to TCE, Benzene
Maxillary Sinus Carcinoma Second to Herbicides
MDS Second to AO, or Prostate Cancer Treatment
MDS Second to Asbestos Exp.
MDS Second to Gulf War Exposure
MDS Second to Herbicides, and Melanoma Second to Herbicides and UV Exp
MDS Second to Radiation Exposure
Melanoma Due to Sun Exposure in Vietnam
Melody's Plastic Syndrome (Pre-Leukemia - MDS) Due to Herbicide Exposure
Meningioma and Follicular Lymphoma Second to Kuwait Toxic Exp.
Meningioma Second to Burn Pit Exp.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma Second to AO/Herbicides
Metastatic Breast Cancer - Burn Pits
Metastatic Cancer of Right Lower Limb incl Hip,
Second to C. Lejeune, AO or Paget's Disease
Metastatic Carcinoma of the Esophagus
Due to Herbicides
Metastatic Choroidal Melanoma L Eye Second to
Uranium and other Toxins at K-2 AFG Uzbekistan
Metastatic Duodenal Carcinoma Due to C. Lejeune
Metastatic Gastric Cancer Aggravated by DMII
Metastatic Kidney Cancer Second to
Herbicides, Asbestos
Metastatic Melanoma (scalp) Second to In Service Sun and Herbicide Exposures
Metastatic Melanoma Caused by Herbicides or Benzene -Jet Fuels
Metastatic Renal Cancer Second to
Radiation Exposure
MM - Exp at Chanute AFB - TCE, Benzene, PCBs
MM - Radiation Exp at Treasure Isle CA or
USS Dwight Eisenhower
Multiple Myeloma Aggravated by Toxic Exposures
Multiple Myeloma and Kidney Failure Caused by
Camp Lejeune Exp
Multiple Myeloma Due to Asbestos and
Solvent Exposure
Multiple Myeloma Due to Radiation
Camp Pendleton
Multiple Myeloma Due to Toxic
Exposure in the Navy
Multiple Myeloma Second to Burn Pit or
DEET Exposures
Multiple Myeloma Second to
Chlorinated Solvent Exposure
Multiple Myeloma Second to Diesel Fuel
Multiple Myeloma Second to Exp to Radiation, Petroleum, Paints and Adhesives
Multiple Myeloma Second to Gulf War Exp. (Oil Fires) and Conceded Asbestos Exp.,
MGUS Developing in Svc and Progressing to Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma Second to MOS Exposures to Solvents, Paints, Primers
Multiple Myeloma Second to Particulate, Chemical and Burn Pit Exposure
Multiple Myeloma Second to Toxic Exposure
Mycosis Fungoides Cutaneous T and T Cell Lymphoma Second to AO
Myelodysplastic Syn Sec to Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Myelodysplastic Syn Second to Aliphatic Naphtha
Myelodysplastic Syndrome Due to
Herbicide Exposure
Myelofibrosis - AO
Myelofibrosis Due to C. Lejeune
Myelofibrosis Second to Chem Exp.
Myeloma Second to Toxic Exp., Residuals of Cancer
Myelomonocytic Leukemia Second to TCE/Benzene
Myeloproliferative Disorder Due to AO
Myxoid Liposarcoma Second to Burn Pits
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Sec to Herbicides
Neuroendocrine Tumor Second to DM2
NHL as Contrib COD, Second to Solvent Exp
NHL due to Chemincal Exposure
NHL Second to Burning Oil Fumes and Oil Well Fire Particulate Matter
NHL Second to In Svc Exp to OTTO II Fuel and/or Radiation
NHL, DMII contributing to COD
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Second to
Diesel and JP8 Fuel Exp
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Second to
Various Exposures
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Herbicides, Guam
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Due to Burn Pits
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Due to
Exposures in Kuwait
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to Benzene Exposures, Navy
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to Burn Pits
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to C. Lejeune
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Second to TCE and
Benzene Exposure - MOS Pershin
Missile Crewman
Non-Small Lung Cancer Second to Asbestos
Oral Cancer and Metastases Due to C. Lejeune
Oropharyngeal Cancer/Squamous Cell Carcinoma,
Base of Tongue Second to Herbicides
Pancreatic and Prostate Cancer Second to
Camp Lejeune
Pancreatic Cancer - C. Lejeune
Pancreatic Cancer - Herbicides
Pancreatic Cancer - Herbicides and DM2
Pancreatic Cancer Second to AO, Fuels, Hydrocarbon Exp
Pancreatic Cancer Second to C. Lejeune
Pancreatic Cancer Second to DM, Agent Orange
Pancreatic Cancer Second to DM2 and Herbicides
Pancreatic/Liver Cancer - MOS USAF - Munitions
Pancytopenia and NHL Second to Chem Exp. Via MOS
Pharyngeal Cancer Caused by Service
Pharyngeal Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Pharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Herbicides
Pituitary Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Polycythemia Vera - Second to
Camp Pendelton Exp
Polycythemia Vera and Blood Cancer Second to TCE/Benzene
Polycythemia Vera Due to Herbicides
Polycythemia Vera Second to C. Lejeune
Polycythemia Vera Second to Eielson Air Force Base Chem Exp
Polycythemia Vera Second to Jet Fuel Exposure
Polycythemia Vera - MOS Exposures
Prostate & Bladder Cancer - Herbicides, Eglin AFB
Prostate Cancer - Iraq Burn Pits
Prostate Cancer - Asbestos Exp
Prostate Cancer - C. Lejeune
Prostate Cancer - JP4 fuel - jet engine mechanic
Prostate Cancer & CKD Second to C. Lejeune
Prostate Cancer & HTN Due to C. Lejeune
Prostate Cancer and Basal Cell Carcinoma Second to Asbestos and PFOS/PFAS
Prostate Cancer and DM2 second to Asbestos
Prostate Cancer and residuals
Second to Asbestos Exp.
Prostate Cancer Caused by Radiation Exposure
Prostate Cancer Due to Asbestos, Jet Fuel, Jet Cleaning Supplies
Prostate Cancer Due to Jet Fuel, TCE,
Solvents Exposure
Prostate Cancer Renal Failure Due to C. Lejeune
Prostate Cancer Second TCE, Benzene, Heavy Metals at Superfund Sites
Prostate Cancer Second to Camp Lejeune
Prostate Cancer Second to Aircraft Heli-Mechanic
Prostate Cancer Second to Asbestos Exposure
Prostate Cancer Second to Asbestos,
Radiation, Lead
Prostate Cancer Second to Beam Radiation
Prostate Cancer Second to Burn Pits
Prostate Cancer Second to
Camp Pendleton Exposures
Prostate Cancer Second to In Svc Exp via MOS Tactical Aircraft Maint. Tech
Prostate Cancer Second to JP4 and JP5 Fuel, Cleaning Fluids, and Solvent Exp
Prostate Cancer Second to MOS - Aircraft Carrier
Prostate Cancer Second to PFAS - MOS
Prostate Cancer Second to Testicular Cancer
Prostate Cancer Second to Toxic Exposure
Prostate Cancer Second to Triacyl Phosphate Exp.
Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer Due to AFFF
Prostate Cancer, Melanoma
Due to Toxic Exposures
Prostate Cancer/CLL Second to Jet Fuel Exposures
Rectal Cancer due to Asbestos
Rectal Cancer Second to Asbestos or Gulf War Environmental Hazards
Renal Cancer & HTN Second to Herbicides
Korean DMZ
Renal Cancer Second to AO
Renal Cancer, CKD and Parkinson's Second to Camp Lejeune
Renal Cell Carcinoma - AO; Causing Pulmonary Embolism
Renal Cell Carcinoma and CKD
Second to In Svc Exp.
Renal Cell Carcinoma Due to Dioxin Exposure
Renal Cell Carcinoma Due to Herbicides
Renal cell carcinoma Second to Diesel Fuel
Renal Cell Carcinoma Second to SC HTN
Renal Cell Carcinoma Second to Thailand Herbicides
Renal Cell Carcinoma, HTN, Second to Aviation Fuel
Respiratory Cancer - Caused or Contributed to Death
SC for Leukemia
SC of Tonsils Second to Herbicides
SCC of Tonsils Second to Herbicides
SCC Tongue w Lymph Node involvement
Second to AO
SCC - Herbicides - Residuals PN, Loss of Taste, Smell from Chemo
Sisonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma Sec to AO
Skin Cancer Due to Sun Exposure
Skin Cancer Second to Herbicides
Small Bowel Cancer Due to Herbicides
Small Cell Lung Cancer Second to Asbestos
Small Cell Lung Cancer Second to
Perchloroethylene, Polyfluoroalkyl
and Asbestos Exposure
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Second to Service
Soft Tissue Sarcoma/Gastrointestinal Stromal
Tumor Due to Exposure
Solitary Amyloidosis Second to AO
Squamous Cell Carcinoma or Nasopharynx
Carcinoma Due to Service
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Second to Asbestos
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Second to Herbicides
Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma &
Melanoma Second to Herbicides
Stomach Cancer Sec to Jet Fuel/Contaminated Soil
Stomach Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Stroke Second to Treatment of Lymphoma
Sudden Death Caused by Leukemia, Caused by C.
Lejeune or MOS Benzene Exp
T-Cell Leukemia Second to Thailand AO Exp
T-Cell Lymphoma Due to In-Service Exposures
T-cell lymphoma Second to Benzene Exposure
T-cell lymphoma, Mycosis Fungoides - C. Lejeune
Temporal Lobe Astrocytoma - C. Lejeune
Testicular Cancer Due to Burn Pits
Testicular Cancer Occurred In Service;
Lymphedema Second to Testicular Cancer
Testicular Neoplasm Due to Service
Throat Cancer Due to Asbestos
Throat Squamous Cell Carcinoma Second to Jet Fuel and Asbestos Exp via MOS
Throat, Neck and Tongue Cancer Second to Herbicides
Thrombocythemia Thrombocytosis or
Polycythemia Vera Second to Herbicides
Thymoma Second to Herbicides
Thyroid Cancer - AO
Thyroid Cancer Due to C. Lejeune
Thyroid Cancer Second Herbicides
Thyroid Cancer, Hypothyroidism Direct to Service
Thyroid Carcinoma Due to Ionizing Radiation
Tongue Cancer Due to Burn Pits
Tonsil Cancer Second to Agent Orange
Tonsil Cancer Second to Asbestos, Radiation
Ureter Cancer, Adenocarcinoma of the Duodenum Due to Carbon Tetrachloride Exposure
Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Due to TCE
Wegener's Granulomatosis Caused by Service