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Agent Orange Update Connects Hypertension

Suzanne Caruso

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

In November of 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), released an update to research regarding Agent Orange and its effects on Veterans of the Vietnam War. The study was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Below are links to both the full report and the highlights document the NASEM released.

Agent Orange Update - Full Report Among the findings, the committee concluded that the information now assembled constitutes sufficient evidence of an association between exposure to at least one of the chemicals of interest and hypertension. The committee also concluded that there is sufficient evidence of an association between exposure and monoclonal gam-mopathy of undetermined significance, a clinically silent condition that is a precursor to the cancer multiple myeloma. Regrettably, the organization also recommended that research regarding glioblastoma (brain cancers) in Vietnam Veterans not be pursued. Their recommendation was based on the fact that these cancers are very rare and therefore difficult to study. That said, they advise the VA to be "mindful" of the concerns regarding possible connections. We asked our Oncology Experts about the NASEM's recommendation and overwhelmingly, they opined that the NASEM's new conclusion does not change their previous evidence position, and that this update addresses only their new recommendation not to conduct further study which is highly unfortunate. Further, our Medical Experts maintained their position that "based on other research and epidemiological studies, and based on clear medical evidence that dioxin is highly carcinogenic - and absent other known risk factors, an as likely as not conclusion can be, and has previously been credibly concluded in certain cases". Please feel free to call us contact us through our website if we can be of assistance.

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